Archive for August, 2010

Mia the Magnificent Review

August 8, 2010

It’s not a secret by now, but I have to say once again how much I adore this series. It’s funny; it’s fab; it’s real. Just all around greatness. And Mia the Magnificent? How was that one you may ask. Well, it was just like it’s prequels, and fortunately tons better than the second one, which was close to being the definition of a sophomore slump.

In Mia the Magnificent, Mia’s life is once again chaotic because of several factors. For one, she finally is given the chance to get her license, which spells F-R-E-D-O-M to her. Secondly, she’s unsure about her feelings for not only Eric, gentleman to the bone and guy she’s considering a relationship with, and Tim, the guy who broke her heart but still feels romantic feelings towards. Add in a crazy girl with 16 piercings, her genius best friend’s break up, and more of her brother’s pranks, it’s starting to seem sophomore year will be the complete opposite of smooth sailing.

One of the aspects I love most about this series is that Mia and her problems always seem like real normal things that teens her age deal with, since from nasty breakups, to shyness problems, to arguing with her best friend, it’s all here within the pages of the Mia Fullerton series. In this addition specifically, I once again liked how Mia dealt with her problems with Tim in a mature way. Also, as like the previous additions, this was one book that’s crazy antics always left me with a smile on my face.

The plot of this always had me on my feet, eager to find out what would occur next because of all the crazy things that would occur. Though, while I love action as much as the next person,I sometimes felt that everything happened a little too coincidentally. Since it often felt that Boggess was throwing in all these items just to keep the plot moving without giving each enough time. But overall, it wasn’t the biggest of problems, since I still did enjoy the book quite a bit. Lastly, Boggess’s writing was as smooth as always.

In all, Mia the Magnificent proved to be a funny book filled with characters you can’t help but love and lots of heart. I can’t wait to read the next addition!

Grade: B+

Mia the Magnificent is now out!

To visit this website, go to:

Reader on Vacation Enjoys Reading about Mia

August 8, 2010